Miss Ella you are 3 months old now! The last few months we have been getting to know you, and you us. It's safe to say we are getting along. You have been a perfect baby. Healthy, eat well, sleep well, and have a great temperament. Lucky us! Not mention you are so beautiful and super chunky, which I love! I have been working on your birth story for months now. I want to write every memory down so that one day when you have a baby of your own you can use our story as inspiration. I love you sweet girl.
Ella June's Birth Story 4/2/11:
The day before Ella was born I had a checkup with my midwife, Tiffany, and I was already 3cm dilated. We all knew it would be within the next few days but the anticipation of when was building. I relished every phone call and well-wish from close girlfriends, Colleen, Shelly and Suraya. I also had visitors that day, Katie, and Julie with Nolan. It was a hot day but the the forecast for the weekend was cooler temps. I was hoping Ella would wait until Saturday. Friday night when Butch got home from work I felt ready and prepared to have a baby but I also felt tired and nervous for what laid ahead. I took a late nap while Butch watched Brooks that evening. We all ate a light dinner so we could sleep well. Butch bet he would be going to work the next day (Saturday) and I bet he would not. I thought Ella was coming to us in our sleep that night. I moved my birth center bag near the front door and put Brooks to bed with a special song (Dixie Chicks “Lullaby”) believing he may have a little sister by the time he woke up. I texted Colleen to keep her phone near her because it felt like Ella was coming. She called me very excited and wanted to know if I was serious (yes, I was). I went to bed around 10:00pm.
Around 1:30am I woke to a big leak and some substantial contractions, it was different from previous braxton-hicks contractions. I knew it was real this time. I woke Butch, excited but nervous. We got an idea of how far apart the contractions were and at 1:52am I called my midwife to let her know I was in labor. During our conversation I was still able to talk through contractions and there was not a regular pattern yet but I knew it would not be long and I hoped Tiffany understood that. She wanted me to wait until I my contractions were stronger and closer together before heading to the birthing center. After I hung up I told Butch what Tiffany said so he went back to bed. I kissed him knowing he would need all the rest he could get. I danced around the living room and practiced labor breathing with every contraction while skimming my favorite pages of "Ina May's guide to childbirth. " I kept busy while packing and repacking my bag and timing and recording my contractions on my iphone stopwatch. I wrote down all my contractions between 2:06am and 2:26am and then things got intense. Sometime after 2:26am I got a really big contraction that was a game changer. My water broke and I lost my mucus plug all in one, fully clothed, on the living room floor. I called for Butch's help and he came running in to help clean up. Not long after that I felt another strong contraction and the need to go to the bathroom. While I was on the toilet I had another strong contraction, saw some blood, and then I felt panic set in! My fear was that we would not make it to the birthing center in time. I came out and asked Butch to call Tiffany. He made the call at 2:34am (roughly half hour after our first talk). Tiffany said she would meet us there in half an hour (3:00am). I looked at the microwave clock and didn't know if we would make it! Butch sprang to action, waking his mom, loading the car, and calling Colleen while I had contraction after contraction. Once Butch gave me the green light I waited for a contraction to pass then I jumped in the car and held on. The ride was better than I had imagined. I think I only had one contraction in the car, we even joked around a little. We got to the birthing center about 3:00am. I could not get in there fast enough. I jumped out of the car and ran into the dimly lit building. I bumped into Tiffany in the hallway just in time to hug out a contraction. The tub was filling with warm water and the lights were dim in the “purple” room. I went to the bathroom and called for Tiffany to come in because I felt the urge to push already! She suggested I get into the tub, and I did so with pleasure. The next 50 or so minutes, yes MINUTES were pure magic. Of course, the pressure was crazy intense and I would never downplay the pain of childbirth but, I was happy. I was in the tub the entire time. Butch never left my side. Coco prayed for us and she took beautiful pictures of the entire labor and birth. Megan (my other midwife, who also caught Brooks) was there with confidence and love in her eyes. Tiffany stayed busy in the background. In between contractions I focused on everyone’s faces. I told them all how much I loved them and I thanked them for being there with me. I kissed Butch and touched his face. All the good energy I put out into the room came back to me tenfold. I started getting long breaks in between contractions. It gave me more time to praise birth and love those around me. I thought of my two friends, Julie and Shelly, who did not get to experience the natural birth they dreamed of and I put my energy into doing it for them. The pain seemed bearable that way. The pain was fleeting and manageable with relaxation and gratitude. The endorphins kicked in and I experienced tremendous relief. I trusted my body and worked with the energy of birth just like my Ina Mae book described. When I was ready to meet my little girl I told everyone in the room, "I'm Gonna Push." First shot, Ella's head came out but her little shoulder was stuck so Megan got in and un-stuck it. Ouch. There was a little commotion between Tiffany and Megan and then Tiffany asked me to push again. I pushed Ella out at 3:57am. Pure joy, pure relief, pure exhaustion. Ella was a whopping 9 pounds and that was after her first BM. She had light colored hair and skin. She was healthy and beautiful. Butch, Ella and I only stayed at the birth center a few more hours then we came home to Grammy and Brooks. We actually made it home before Brooks woke up. He was awake around 7am and was happy to meet his little sister, Ella June.
The change at first was painfully beautiful. Adjusting to life with a new baby is challenging on many levels. I looked at Brooks differently and my heart hurt a little. But I know all of our lives are richer and fuller and so blessed. We are all so lucky to have Ella and grateful for her in our lives.